New England PUCs training on electricity system planning

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The New England Conference of Public Utility Commissioners (NECPUC) and National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners are offering free virtual training on electricity system planning in May and June 2022, in partnership with Berkeley Lab, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory and National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Both commissioners and staff of public utility commissions are invited to attend. Participants will learn: 

  • How utilities in New England and outside the region plan their distribution systems
  • Best practices in coordinating distribution, transmission, and resource planning in the context of distributed energy resources, grid modernization and wholesale markets
  • How to design distribution system and grid modernization planning to achieve state goals, plus investment economics
  • Ways utilities are incorporating electrification of transportation and buildings in distribution planning
  • How grid architecture can guide planning and design of electric systems to ensure sequential investments fit together, simplify future decisions and future-proof investments
  • Ways states around the country are engaging in electric distribution system planning and emerging issues
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