Building Technology and Urban Systems Division
Suite Ventilation Characteristics of Current Canadian Mid-and High-Rise Residential Buildings." ASHRAE Transactions 110 (Part 2) (2002).
. "Ventilation System Design of Recent Canadian Multi-Unit Residential Buildings." ASHRAE Transactions 106 (2002).
, and . "Distribution System Leakage Impacts on Apartment Building Ventilation Rates." ASHRAE Transactions 105 (1999) 943–950.
. "Field Measurements of Ventilation Rates in Attics." Building and Environment 30.3 (1995) 333–347.
, and . "A Wind Shadow Model for Air Infiltration Sheltering by Upwind Obstacles." ASHRAE HVAC&R Research Journal 2.4 (1996) 265–283.
, , and . "ASHRAE’s New Residential Ventilation Standard." ASHRAE Journal 46 (2004) 149–156.
. "Residential Ventilation and Energy Characteristics." ASHRAE Transactions 103.1 (1997) 717–730.
, and . "Performance of thermal distribution systems in large commercial buildings." Energy and Buildings 34 (2002) 215–226.
, , , , , , and . "Validating and Improving the DeltaQ Duct Leakage Test." ASHRAE Transactions 110 - Pt. 2 (2005) 741–751.
, , and . "An Evaluation of Superheat-Based Refrigerant Charge Diagnostics for Residential Cooling Systems." ASHRAE Transactions 108 (2002).
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Advanced Duct Sealant Testing." (2003).
, and . "Selecting Whole-House Ventilation Strategies to Meet Proposed ASHRAE 62.2: Energy Cost Considerations." ASHRAE Transactions 106 (2000) 681–691.
, , and . "The Effects of Roof Reflectance on Air Temperatures Surrounding a Rooftop Condensing Unit." Energy and Buildings 40 (2007) 11–28.
, and . "Sealing Ducts in Large Commercial Buildings with Aerosolized Sealant Particles." Energy & Buildings 34.7 (2001) 705–714.
, , , , , , , and . "Exterior Exposed Ductwork: Delivery Effectiveness and Efficiency." ASHRAE Transactions 104 (1998) 709–721.
, , and . "Fault Detection in HVAC Systems Using Model-Based Feedforward Control." Energy & Buildings 33 (2001) 403–415.
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