Michael A McNeil
Viewing 25 of 98 publications
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Evidence of Progress – Measurement of Impacts of Australia’s S&L Program from 1990-2010." 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting. 2013.
, , and . "The benefits of creating a cross-country data framework for energy efficiency." 7th International Conference on Energy Efficiency in Domestic Appliances and Lighting (EEDAL ’13). 2013.
, , and . "An international Survey of Electric Storage Tank Water Heater Efficiency and Standards." Southern African Energy Efficiency Convention 2013. Johanesburg, South Africa, 2013.
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Bottom-Up Energy Analysis System (BUENAS) – An International Appliance Efficiency Policy Tool." Energy Efficiency 6.2 (2013) 191–217.
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Energy Efficiency - How Far Can We Raise the Bar? Revealing the Potential of Best Available Technologies." Energy 59 (2013) 72–82.
, , , and . "2014
Superefficient Refrigerators: Opportunities and Challenges for Efficiency Improvement Globally." 2014 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Pacific Grove, Ca, 2014.
, , , , and . "Investigating greenhouse challenge from growing trends of electricity consumption through home appliances in buildings." Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 36 (2014) 188–193.
, , , , and . "A Comparative Study of Energy Consumption and Efficiency of Japanese and Chinese Manufacturing Industry." Energy Policy 70 (2014) 45–56.
, , , , , , , and . "2012
The Boom of Electricity Demand in the Residential Sector in the Developing World and the Potential for Energy Efficiency." 2008 ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings. Vol. 9. Pacific Grove, Ca, 2008.
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Enduse Global Emissions Mitigation Scenarios (EGEMS): A New Generation of Energy Efficiency Policy Planning Models." ECEEE Summer Study 2009. 2009.
, , and . "2010
Modeling diffusion of electrical appliances in the residential sector." Energy and Buildings 42.6 (2010) 783–790.
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