IAQ Science: Dampness and Mold
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Does Dampness and Mold in Schools affect Health? Results of a Meta-Analysis." Indoor Air 2019 (2019).
, , and . "Review of Some Effects of Climate Change on Indoor Environmental Quality and Health and Associated No-Regrets Mitigation Measures." Building and Environment 86 (2015) 70–80.
. "Association of residential dampness and mold with respiratory tract infections and bronchitis: a meta analysis." Environmental Health 9.72 (2010).
, , and . "Meta-Analyses of the Associations of Respiratory Health Effects with Dampness and Mold in Homes." Indoor Air 17 (2007) 284–96.
, , and . "Public health and economic impact of dampness and mold." Indoor Air 17.3 (2007) 226–235.
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