Renewable Energy
Managing Natural Gas Price Volatility and Escalation: The Value of Renewable Energy." NEMS/AEO 2004 Conference Washington, D.C. March 23, 2004. Washington, D.C. : LBNL, 2004.
. "Federal Tax Incentives for PV Potential Implications for Program Design." California Public Utilities Commission San Francisco, California March 16, 2006 2006.
, and . "Hedging Future Gas Price Risk with Wind Power." UWIG Annual Meeting Arlington, Virginia April 6, 2006 2006.
. "Renewables Portfolio Standards: A Focus on Western States." AWEA Wind Power Finance & Investment Workshop, March 2007, San Francisco, CA 2007.
. "A Sensitivity Analysis of the Treatment of Wind Energy in the AEO99 Version of NEMS. Berkeley: LBNL, 2001.
, , , , , and . Advanced Coal Wind Hybrid: Economic Analysis. Berkeley: LBNL, 2008.
, , , , , , and . Financing Investments in Renewable Energy: The Role of Policy Design and Restructuring. Berkeley: lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 1997.
, and . Clean Energy Funds: An Overview of State Support for Renewable Energy. Berkeley: LBNL, 2001.
, , , , and . The Renewables Portfolio Standard in Texas: An Early Assessment. Berkeley: LBNL, 2001.
, and . Utility-Scale Renewable Energy Projects: A Survey of Clean Energy Fund Support. Berkeley: LBNL, 2002.
, and . Customer-Sited PV: A Survey of Clean Energy Fund Support. Berkeley: LBNL, 2002.
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Learning by Doing: The Evolution of State Support for Photovoltaics. Berkeley: LBNL, 2003.
, and . Competitive Solicitations and Unsolicited Proposals: Examples from Several State Funds on How to Balance and Refine the Process." Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy 2002: 7.
. "Organizational Structure: The Sustainable Development Fund of Southeastern Pennsylvania." Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy 2002: 6.
. "Public Education, Marketing, and Consumer Action: The Multi-Party Programs of Connecticut and Pennsylvania." Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy 2002: 6.
, , and . "Massachusetts’ Solar-to-Market Initiative: Using a Collaborative Approach to Create PV Programs." Case Studies of State Support for Renewable Energy 2002: 5.
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