Indoor Environment Group
Indoor Environment, Productivity in Offices." ASHRAE IAQ Applications 8 (2007) 1–15.
, , and . " , , and . "
Associations between classroom CO2 concentrations and student attendance in Washington and Idaho." Indoor Air 2004 14 (2004) 333–341.
, , , , , and . "Some quantitative relations between Indoor environmental quality and work performance or health." International Journal of HVAC&R Research 12 (2006) 957–973.
, and . "Association of Ventilation System Type with SBS symptoms in Office Workers." Indoor Air 12.2 (2001) 98–112.
, and . "Ventilation and Work Performance in office work." Indoor Air 16 (2006) 28–36.
, , and . "Indoor Particles and Symptoms Among Office Workers: Results from a Double-Blind Cross-Over Study." Epidemiology 13.3 (2002) 296–304.
, , , , , , , , , and . "Summary of human responses to ventilation." Indoor Air (Supplement 7) 14 (2004) 102–118.
, and . "Control of temperature for health and productivity in offices." ASHRAE Transactions 111 (2005) 680–686.
, and . "Do Indoor Pollutants and Thermal Conditions in Schools Influence Student Performance? A Critical Review of the Literature." Indoor Air 2005 15 (2005) 27–52.
, and . "Public health and economic impact of dampness and mold." Indoor Air 17.3 (2007) 226–235.
, and . "A model to estimate the cost effectiveness of indoor environment improvements in office work." ASHRAE Transactions 111 (2005) 663–679.
, and . "Quantitative relationship of sick building syndrome symptoms with ventilation rates." Indoor Air 19 (2009) 159–165.
, , and . "Environmental Risk Factors and Work-Related Lower Respiratory Symptoms in 80 Office Buildings: An Exploratory Analysis of NIOSH Data." American Journal of Industrial Medicine 43.6 (2003) 630–641.
, , , and . "Estimates of Improved Productivity and Health from Better Indoor Environments." Indoor Air 7.3 (1997) 14.
, and . "IEQ and the Impact on Building Occupants." ASHRAE Journal 44 (2002) 50–52.
, and . "Commentary: Air-conditioning as a risk for increased use of health services." International Journal of Epidemiology 33 (2004) 1123–1126.
. "The indoor environment -- productivity and health -- and $$$." Planning for Energy and the Environment 17 (1998) 53–57.
, and . "Indoor residential chemical emissions as risk factors for respiratory and allergic effects in children: A Review." Indoor Air 17.4 (2007) 18.
. "IEQ and the Impact on Employee Sick Leave." ASHRAE Journal 44 (2002) 97–98.
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