Stephen Wiel
Viewing 10 of 10 publications
Least Cost Planning in the Utility Sector: Progress and Challenges. Ed. , , and . 1989.
, , , , , , , , , , , and . 2001
Energy-Efficiency Labels and Standards: A Guidebook for Appliances, Equipment and Lighting. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2001.
, and . Governments Should Implement Energy-Efficiency Standards and Labels-Cautiously. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2001.
, and . 2005
Energy-Efficiency Labels and Standards: A Guidebook for Appliances, Equipment, and Lighting - 2nd Edition. 2nd Edition. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2005.
, and . 2004
Energy Efficiency Standards and Labels in North America: Opportunities for Harmonization. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2004.
, , and . Cool colored roofs to save energy and improve air quality." ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings, August 22-27, 2004. 1st ed. Vol. 1. American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, 2004. 1–16. 11 Vol.
, , , , , , , , and . "2003
Normas y Etiquetas de Eficiencia Energetica: Ena Guia Para Electrodomesticos, Equipo e Iluminacion. Berkeley: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, 2003.
, and . 1993
Primer on Gas Integrated Resource Planning. Berkeley: LBNL, 1993.
, , , and . 2006
, , , , , and .