Salma Elmallah
Viewing 8 of 8 publications
Halfway up the ladder: Developer practices and perspectives on community engagement for utility-scale renewable energy in the United States." Energy Research & Social Science 117 (2024).
, , , and . "2023
Frontlining energy justice: Visioning principles for energy transitions from community-based organizations in the United States." Energy Research & Social Science 94 (2022).
, , and . "Equitable deep decarbonization: A framework to facilitate energy justice-based multidisciplinary modeling." Energy Research & Social Science 92 (2022) 102808.
, , and . "Drivers and energy justice implications of renewable energy project siting in the United States." Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning (2022).
, , , , and . "“After the leases are signed, it’s a done deal”: Exploring procedural injustices for utility-scale wind energy planning in the United States." Energy Research & Social Science 89 (2022).
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