Krishnamoorthy, Gayathri, Tom Wall, Myles T Collins, and Josh A Schellenberg. "Clean Energy Innovator Fellows Training: Grid Resilience Planning." 2024.Welcome PDFIntroduction to Resilience for Electricity Systems PDFIdentifying Threats, Predicting Vulnerabilities, and Assessing Risks PDFStrategies for Valuing and Prioritizing Resilience Investments and Measuring Progress PDFMitigation, Rapid Restoration Strategies, and Best Practices PDFGrid Resilience Data, Metrics and Analyses PDFWhat Should Grid Resilience Plans Include? PDF
Schwartz, Lisa C, Myles T Collins, Tim Woolf, and Courtney Lane. "Best Practices Guide for Benefit-Cost Analysis of Managed EV Charging." 2024.TAG Meeting Sept. 19, 2024 PDF
Relf, Grace, Peter Cappers, Ronny Sandoval, and Myles T Collins. "Clean Energy Innovator Fellows Training: Electricity Regulation Basics." 2024.Agenda PDFPresenter Bios PDFTraining Welcome and Introduction PDFElectric Utility Regulation 101Basics of Cost of Service RatemakingCost AllocationCost-Effectiveness Evaluation
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Stephanie Bieler, Myles T Collins, Joscha Mueller, Christoph Gehbauer, Douglas J Gotham, and Peter H Larsen. "A framework to measure the technical, economic, and rate impacts of distributed solar, electric vehicles, and storage." Applied Energy 297 (2021).Pre-print Journal Article PDF DOI | Google Scholar | BibTeX | Endnote tagged
Carvallo, Juan Pablo, Myles T Collins, Stephanie Bieler, Joscha Mueller, Christoph Gehbauer, and Peter H Larsen. Indiana 21st Century Energy Policy: Emerging Technologies on the Electricity Distribution System. 2020.Report PDF
Sullivan, Michael J, Myles T Collins, Josh A Schellenberg, and Peter H Larsen. Estimating Power System Interruption Costs: A Guidebook for Electric Utilities. 2018.Guidebook PDF