De Martini, Paul, and Lorenzo Kristov. Distribution Systems in a High Distributed Energy Resources Future. Ed. Lisa C Schwartz. FEUR Report No. 2. 2015.Report PDFPresentation PDF
Satchwell, Andrew, Peter Cappers, Lisa C Schwartz, and Emily Martin Fadrhonc. A Framework for Organizing Current and Future Electric Utility Regulatory and Business Models. 2015.PDF
Hoffman, Ian M, Steven R Schiller, Annika Todd-Blick, Megan A Billingsley, Charles A Goldman, and Lisa C Schwartz. "Energy Savings Lifetimes and Persistence: Practices, Issues and Data." 2015.PDFPDF
Hoffman, Ian M, Gregory M Rybka, Greg Leventis, Charles A Goldman, Lisa C Schwartz, Megan A Billingsley, and Steven R Schiller. "The Total Cost of Saving Electricity Through Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs: Estimates at the National, State, Sector and Program Level." 2015. Technical Brief PDFPresentation PDF
Hoffman, Ian M, Gregory M Rybka, Greg Leventis, Charles A Goldman, and Lisa C Schwartz. "The Total Cost of Saving Electricity Through Utility Customer-Funded Energy Efficiency Programs." 2014.Presentation PDF
Woolf, Tim, Erin Malone, Lisa C Schwartz, and John Shenot. A Framework for Evaluating the Cost-effectiveness of Demand Response. 2013.PDF