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Fujita, K Sydny, Zach Ancona, Louisa Kramer, James Diffendorfer, Mary Straka, Tandie E Gautreau, Dana Robson, Ben Hoen, and Chris Garrity. "Georectified polygon database of ground-mounted large-scale solar photovoltaic sites in the United States." Scientific Data (2023).Journal Article PDF DOI | Google Scholar | BibTeX | Endnote tagged
Rand, Joseph, Louisa Kramer, Christopher Garrity, Ben Hoen, James Diffendorfer, Hannah Hunt, and Michael Spears. "A continuously updated, geospatially rectified database of utility-scale wind turbines in the United States." Scientific Data 7.15 (2020).Journal Article PDF DOI | Google Scholar | BibTeX | Endnote tagged