Wiser, Ryan H,
Naïm R Darghouth,
Ben Hoen,
Galen L Barbose,
Joachim Seel,
Varun Rai,
Ariane Beck,
Ashok Sekar,
D Cale Reeves,
Erik Funkhouser,
Eric O’Shaughnessy,
Ben Sigrin, and
Casey Canfield.
Diffusion of Innovations: Interplay of Social, Economic, Technological, and Policy Drivers in the Solar Industry—Summary of UT Austin Student Capstone Research Projects. 2018.
Barbose, Galen L,
John Miller,
Ben Sigrin,
Emerson Reiter,
Karlynn Cory,
Joyce McLaren,
Joachim Seel,
Andrew D Mills,
Naïm R Darghouth, and
Andrew Satchwell.
Utility Regulatory and Business Model Reforms for Addressing the Financial Impacts of Distributed Solar on Utilities. 2016.