Thermal Performance Characteristics of Compact Fluorescent Fixtures

Date Published
Publication Type
Conference Paper
LBL Report Number

This paper describes the thermal and light output performance variations for some representative compact fluorescent fixtures. Experimental data is presented showing the changes in relative light output and temperature for both screw-in and dedicated compact fluorescent fixtures systems. Initial experimental data shows that substantial losses in fixture efficiency can occur in compact fluorescent fixtures due to elevated temperature conditions inside the lamp compartment. These elevated temperatures affect the minimum lamp wall temperature of the compact fluorescent lamp and the corresponding light output and efficacy characteristics of the lamp ballast system. This paper also presents experimental data on various methods to reduce compartment and lamp wall temperatures in order to increase fixture efficiency.

Conference Name
1990 HVAC and Building Systems Congress, October 7-12, 1990
Year of Publication
Conference Location
Seattle, WA
Other Numbers
Custom 1
<p>Lighting Systems Group</p>
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