Review of Building Data Frameworks Across Countries: Lessons for India

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This report outlines the initial explorations carried out by LBNL on available examples of energy data collection frameworks for buildings. Specifically, this monograph deals with European experience in the buildings sector, the US experience in the commercial buildings sector, and examples of data collection effort in Singapore and China to capture the Asian experience in the commercial sector. The review also provides a summary of the past efforts in India to collect and use commercial building energy data and its strengths and weaknesses. The overall aim of this activity is to help understand the use cases that drive the granularity of data being collected and the range of methodologies adopted for the data collection effort. This review will be a key input and reference for developing a data collection framework for India, and will also clarify general thinking on the institutional structure that may be amenable for data collection effort to match the needs and requirements of commercial building sector in India.

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