Reliability Compliance Monitoring System for Area Control and Area Interchange Errors: Graphic-Geographic Visualization Package

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NERC is in the process of developing mandatory compliance standards. An important aspect of a standard is the measurement associated with the standard, so as to determine if the appropriate entities are in compliance. The Security Coordinator will be asked to have a more active role in compliance monitoring. Therefore, they will require the necessary support systems in place to effectively monitor and track current and historical performance, plus the important aspect of looking at the near term behavior. When completed, the ACE and AIE Monitoring System applications will deliver wide-area graphic-geographic performance monitoring capabilities for NERC Security Coordinators.

The ACE and AIE Monitoring Systems, using CERTS’ graphic geographic visualization methodology, will assist to meet the NERC Operating Committee and NERC Resources (old performance) Subcommittee’s need for identifying Control Areas that cause large or long-term frequency deviations in each NERC interconnection. These applications will also allow Security Coordinators to monitor ACE and AIE performance and compliance for each of their jurisdictions using the proposed wide-control-area visualization.

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