Relating Productivity to Visibility and Lighting

Publication Type
Book Chapter
LBL Report Number

The problem of determining the appropriate light levels for visual tasks is a cost-benefit problem. Existing light level recommendations seriously underweight the importance of economic factors. Furthermore, the relative importance of the visibility factors in determining the optical light levels appears inconsistent with the importance of these factors in determining visibility and visual performance.

We show that calculations based on acuities give a lower limit of 100-200 lux for cost-effective light levels for office tasks. Upper limits are calculated from correlations of task performance to visibility levels. Visibility levels become progressively insensitive to luminance as luminance increases. Average power densities above 100 watts/m2 are cost-effective only when visibility is very low. However, there is a 3-to-10 times larger increase in benefits from improving contrast or contrast sensitivity than from using more than 10 watts/m2. Contrast or contrast sensitivity can be improved by using forms with larger print, using xerographic copy instead of carbon or mimeo, making sure office workers have the right eyeglasses, or even by transferring workers with visual problems to less visually demanding tasks. Once these changes are made it is no longer cost-effective to use more than 10 watts/m2. This conclusion raises serious questions about recommendations that lead to greater than about 10 watts/m2 of installed lighting for general office work.

Book Title
The Integration of Visual Performance Criteria into the Illumination Design Process
Year of Publication
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Custom 1
<p>Lighting Systems Group</p>
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