Interim Findings of an Evaluation of the U.S. EnergyGuide Label

Publication Type
Conference Proceedings

The United States has labeled appliances with the EnergyGuide labels since 1980. Consensus is growing that this label is confusing to consumers and has little impact on purchase decisions. Manyresearchers have documented that alternative labeling approaches are effective in other countries. The authors comprehensively evaluated the U.S. appliance labelingprogram forwhite goods, heating and cooling equipment, and water heaters, with emphasis on products sold through retail outlets. To date, ourresearchhasincluded consumerfocus groups and semi-structuredinterviews with various market actors to assess how best to communicate energy information. With consumers and retail sales staff, five graphical designs were tested—a European-style, letterbased graphic; an Australian-style star-based graphic; a speedometer-style graphic; a thermometer-style graphic; and the current U.S. style. With manufacturers and contractors, we did not directly test alternate designs. Instead, we asked theiropinion ofand experience with the current EnergyGuide labeling program.

Conference Name
ACEEE Summer Study on Energy Efficiency in Buildings
Year of Conference
Conference Location
Pacific Grove, California
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