Energy Efficient Lighting On Board Naval Ships: Phase II (The T-8 Lamp System)

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LBL Report Number

The first phase of this program has developed a lamp-ballast system that improves the efficacy of the currently used fluorescent lamp-ballasts by 27 percent, from 49 lm/W to 62 lm/W. Equally important has been the development of a ballast that improves the power factor from 60 percent to over 90 percent and the reduction of all the line harmonics to below 3 percent. The specifications for the above system have been prepared and will be evaluated on board a ship in the near future.

In the course of the above Phase I study, further improvements in the system efficacy were measured with the T-8 (1-inch diameter) lamp. This report describes the development and performance of the T-8 fluorescent lamp-ballast system. Similar to the Phase I effort, the cooperation of the lamp and ballast companies (GTE, North American Philips Lighting, and IOTA Engineering) were required for the successful result. The above companies submitted prototype lamps and ballasts to the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Lighting Group to evaluate. The lamp designs were modified as required and the optimum system selected. Two-lamp designs and one ballast were chosen and tested to determine if they met the Navy specifications.

The second section describes the lamp-ballast specifications. The measured electrical input-output performance of the lamp-ballast systems are listed in the third section. This section includes the measured thermal performance from an ambient of 10 °C to 60 °C. The measurements of the electromagnetic conducted and radiated intensities and the line current harmonics are presented in the forth section. In the fifth section the quality assurance, the life and lumen depreciation of the system are presented. The results and status of the T-8 project is discussed. The final section presents the conclusions of this development.

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<p>Lighting Systems Group</p>
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