Characteristics of Laminated Electrochromic Devices Using Polyorganodisulfate Electrodes

Publication Type
Conference Paper
LBL Report Number

The use of polyorganodisulfides as optically passive counterelectrodes in a variety of electrochromic devices are discussed. Characteristic data is presented for electrochmmic devices using proton, and lithium coloration ions with polyethylene oxide electrolyte and polydimercaptothiadiazole positive electrodes. Solid state devices consisting of molybdenum doped W03, amorphous polyethylene oxide electrolyte (a-PEO), and a polyorganodisulfide counter-electrode colored rapidly from a pale yellow to a deep blue-green, upon application of 1.2 V d.c. The photopic transmittance changed from 61 to 98, and the solar transmittance from 45 to 5% during the coloration process. Also, our experiments with polyimidazole are detailed. This family of compounds due to its unique electrical and ion conduction properties allow a single composite ion storage and ion conductor electrode to be made, simplifying the device construction. Devices rnade from this family of compounds color to deep blue-gray upon application of 1.2-1.5 V. Bleaching occurs at -0.4 to -0.5 s. The photopic transmittance changed from 55 to 9%. and the solar transmittance from 34 to 4% during coloration. Both coloration and bleaching are quite rapid.

Conference Name
SPIE Proceedings 2017
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Custom 1
<p>Windows and Daylighting Group</p>
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