Adapter Python IO (Adapter) v1.0. Computer Software

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The Adapter Python IO software provides a convenient data table loader from various formats such as xlsxcsvdb (sqlite database), and sqlalchemy. Its main feature is the ability to convert data tables identified in one main and optionally one or more additional input files into database tables and Pandas DataFrames for downstream usage in any compatible software.

Adapter builds upon the existing Python packages that allow for the communication between Python and MS Excel, as well as databases and csv files. It provides inbuilt capabilities to specify the output location path, as well as a version identifier for a research code run.

In addition to the loading capability, an instance of the Adapter IO object has the write capability. If invoked, all loaded tables are written as either a single database or a set of csv files, or both.

The purpose of this software is to support the development of research and analytical software through allowing for a simple multi-format IO with versioning and output path specification in the input data itself.

The package is supported on Windows and macOS, as well as for Linux for the utilization without any xlsx inputs.

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