International Actions to Reduce Miscellaneous Electrical Loads Energy Consumption

Date Published
Publication Type
Conference Paper

Miscellaneous electric loads (MELs) research dates back over 30 years, with the earliest publications about MELs originating in the late 1980s. As the number and types of MELs have grown during the intervening decades, so has the body of minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) and regulations put in place to control what is now a significant energy end use in the residential and commercial sectors. In particular, these MEPS are designed to control off-mode, standby, and connected standby power consumption to prevent energy waste.
Research on MELs focuses a great deal on analyzing the characteristics of MELs, approaches for measuring their consumption, and at a higher level what constitutes a MEL. Despite these advances, there have been few comparisons of different approaches to curtail MELs energy consumption across regulatory bodies of MELs—both between and within countries—to identify similarities, gaps, and opportunities for crafting common language and standards. This study provides an analysis of international MELs-related voluntary and mandatory MEPSs across 12 economies to address this gap. The analysis demonstrates that although economies may share the commitment to regulate the energy consumption of MELs, there still is no common language for framing MELs, nor is there a shared understanding for harmonizing MEPS for MELs.

Conference Name
Energy Efficient Domestic Appliances and Lighting
Year of Publication
Conference Location
Toulouse, France
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