Renewable Resource Integration Project – Scoping Study of Strategic Transmission Operations and Reliability Issues

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California is on a path to increase usage of renewable resources. The renewable capacity additions that will be needed are 20,000 megawatts (MW) to achieve 33 percent renewables by 2030 and 40,000 MW to achieve 50 percent renewables by 2030. For this scoping study, a mid-range estimate of 30,000 MW is assumed to be needed over the next 20 years. Renewable resources are typically located in remote locations, not near the load centers. Nearly two-thirds or 20,000 MW of new renewable resources needed are likely to be delivered to Los Angeles Basin transmission gateways. Integration of renewable resources requires interconnection to the power grid, expansion of the transmission system capability between the backbone power grid and transmission gateways, and increase in delivery capacity from transmission gateways to the local load centers. To scope the transmission, operations, and reliability issues for renewables integration, this research focused on the Los Angeles Basin Area transmission gateways where most of new renewables are likely. Necessary actions for successful renewables integration include: Expand Los Angeles Basin Area transmission gateway and nomogram (a graph depicting three curves representing different variables so that a line intersecting all three curves intersects the related values of each variable) limits by 10,000 to 20,000 MW. Upgrade local transmission network for deliverability to load centers. Secure additional storage, demand management, automatic load control, dynamic pricing, and other resources that meet regulation and ramping needed in real-time operations. Enhance local voltage support. Expand deliverability from Los Angeles to San Diego and Northern California.

Series Title
Public Interest Energy Research (PIER) Program
Year of Publication
California Energy Commission (CEC)
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