%0 Unpublished Work %A Jeetika Malik %A Sharon Smolinski %I C2C: Clean Energy to Communities Expert Match %T C2C Expert Match Final Deliverable Ticaboo Utility Improvement District - Ticaboo (UT) %X

Clean Energy to Communities (C2C) is an innovative, technical program that helps electric utilities, local governments, and community-based organizations meet their progressive clean energy goals. The Expert Match program is designed to provide short-term, no-cost technical assistance for communities seeking to answer a near-term.

This document was an Expert Match Overview for the Ticaboo Utility Improvement District (TUID), operated 100% on diesel-powered electricity. The goal is to move to clean energy sources and simultaneously reduce generation costs to achieve a financially and environmentally sustainable operation.

TUID has requested knowledge application technical assistance (TA), with successful TA envisioned as a system design and cost assessment for adding solar PV and battery storage to the microgrid, to achieve lower power rates and greater environmental and financial sustainability.