%0 Journal Article %A Pongsarun Satjaritanun %A Maeve O'Brien %A Devashish Kulkarni %A Sirivatch Shimpalee %A Cristopher Capuano %A Katherine E Ayers %A Nemanja Danilovic %A Dilworth Y Parkinson %A Iryna V Zenyuk %B iScience %D 2020 %G eng %N 12 %P 101783 %R 10.1016/j.isci.2020.101783 %T Observation of Preferential Pathways for Oxygen Removal through Porous Transport Layers of Polymer Electrolyte Water Electrolyzers %V 23 %8 11/2020 %! iScience %X

Understanding the relationships between porous transport layer (PTL) morphology and oxygen removal is essential to improve the polymer electrolyte water electrolyzer (PEWE) performance. Operando X-ray computed tomography and machine learning were performed on a model electrolyzer at different water flow rates and current densities to determine how these operating conditions alter oxygen transport in the PTLs. We report a direct observation of oxygen taking preferential pathways through the PTL, regardless of the water flow rate or current density (1-4 A/cm2). Oxygen distribution in the PTL had a periodic behavior with period of 400 μm. A computational fluid dynamics model was used to predict oxygen distribution in the PTL showing periodic oxygen front. Observed oxygen distribution is due to low in-plane PTL tortuosity and high porosity enabling merging of oxygen bubbles in the middle of the PTL and also due to aerophobicity of the layer.