%0 Journal Article %A Eric Brunner %A Ben Hoen %A Joshua Hyman %B Journal of Public Economics %D 2022 %G eng %R https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpubeco.2021.104586 %T School district revenue shocks, resource allocations, and student achievement: Evidence from the universe of U.S. wind energy installations %U https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004727272100222X?via%3Dihub %8 02/2022 %X

We examine the impact of wind energy installation on school district finances and student achievement using data on the timing, location, and capacity of the universe of U.S. installations from 1995 through 2016. Wind energy installation substantially increased district revenues, causing large increases in capital outlays, but only modest increases in current spending, and little to no change in class sizes or teacher salaries. We find zero impact on student test scores. Using administrative data from Texas, the country’s top wind energy producer, we find zero impact of wind energy installation on high school completion and other longer-run student outcomes.