%0 Journal Article %A Yanbei Zhu %A Jhanis J Gonzalez %A Xinyan Yang %A George C.-Y Chan %A Xin He %A Robert Kostecki %A Xianglei Mao %A Richard E Russo %A Vassilia Zorba %B Analytica Chimica Acta %D 2020 %G eng %P 24 - 30 %R 10.1016/j.aca.2020.07.002 %T Calcium fluoride as a dominating matrix for quantitative analysis by laser ablation-inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS): A feasibility study %V 1129 %8 07/2020 %! Analytica Chimica Acta %X

Calcium fluoride formed by the reaction between ammonium bifluoride and calcium chloride was investigated as a dominating matrix for quantitative analysis by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). Transformation from a solid sample to the calcium fluoride-based matrix permitted quantitative analysis based on calibration standards made from elemental standards. A low abundance stable calcium isotope, i.e. 44Ca+, was monitored as the internal standard for quantitative analysis by LA-ICP-MS. Correlation coefficient factors for multiple elements were obtained with values over 0.999. The results for multiple elements in a certified reference material of soil (NIST SRM 2710a) agreed with the certified values in the range of expanded uncertainty, indicating the present method was valid for quantitation of elements in solid samples.