%0 Journal Article %A A.S Ogale %A S.B Ogale %A Ramamoorthy Ramesh %A T Venkatesan %B Applied Physics Letters %D 1999 %G eng %I American Institute of Physics Inc. %P 537-539 %R 10.1063/1.124440 %T Octahedral cation site disorder effects on magnetization in double-perovskite Sr2FeMoO6: Monte Carlo simulation study %V 75 %X Monte Carlo simulation studies are performed to examine the implications of octahedral cation (Fe, Mo) site disorder for magnetization in the double-perovskite Sr2FeMoO6. Correlations between the near-neighbor cation distributions and the spin distributions are identified to gain insight into the spin arrangement within, and on the periphery of a given transition element cation cluster. It is shown that the drop in the magnetic moment is nearly linear with the increase in the mis-site defect concentration for the case of randomly created defects. Implications of the concomitant presence of mis-site defects and oxygen vacancies are also analyzed. © 1999 American Institute of Physics.