%0 Journal Article %K time-resolved %K resonance %K Ferromagnetism %K Ferromagnetic materials %K Spin-orbit couplings %K Magnetic field effects %K Ferromagnetic resonance %K Anomalous hall effects %K Easy-axis anisotropies %K Gilbert damping parameters %K Magnetization dynamics %K Magneto-optical kerr effects %K Nonmonotonic temperature dependences %K Time domains %K Hall effect %K Kerr magnetooptical effect %K Magnetos %K Optical Kerr effect %A M.C Langner %A C.L.S Kantner %A Y.H Chu %A L.M Martin %A P Yu %A J Seidel %A Ramamoorthy Ramesh %A J Orenstein %B Physical Review Letters %D 2009 %G eng %R 10.1103/PhysRevLett.102.177601 %T Observation of ferromagnetic resonance in SrRuO3 by the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect %V 102 %X We report the observation of ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) in SrRuO3 using the time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect. The FMR oscillations in the time-domain appear in response to a sudden, optically induced change in the direction of easy-axis anisotropy. The high FMR frequency, 250 GHz, and large Gilbert damping parameter, α 1, are consistent with strong spin-orbit coupling. We find that the parameters associated with the magnetization dynamics, including α, have a nonmonotonic temperature dependence, suggestive of a link to the anomalous Hall effect. © 2009 The American Physical Society.