%0 Edited Book %K characterization %K Electric fields %K Multiferroics %K Electric-field control %K Memory applications %K Multiferroic materials %K Exotic materials %K Magnetic spin %K Multiferroic memory %K Nature of order %A L.W Martin %A Y.-H Chu %A Ramamoorthy Ramesh %B Emerging Non-Volatile Memories %D 2014 %G eng %I Springer US %P 103-166 %R 10.1007/978-1-4899-7537-9_3 %T Emerging multiferroic memories %V 9781489975379 %@ 9781489975379; 1489975365; 9781489975362 %X Thus far in this book, we have focused on ferroelectric and magnetic spin torque transfer memories. In this chapter, we describe the recent discoveries in the emerging field of multiferroic-based memories. In the last decade, considerable attention has been focused on the search for and characterization of new multiferroic materials as scientists and researchers have been driven by the promise of exotic materials functionality (especially electric field control of ferromagnetism). In this chapter we develop a holistic picture of multiferroic materials, including details on the nature of order parameters and coupling in these materials, the scarcity of such materials, routes to create and control the properties in these materials, and prospects for these materials in next generation devices-with special attention given to memory applications. © Springer Science+Business Media New York 2014. All rights are reserved.