%0 Journal Article %A Alex Ganose %A Anubhav Jain %B MRS Communications %D 2019 %G eng %N 3 %P 874 - 881 %R 10.1557/mrc.2019.94 %T Robocrystallographer: automated crystal structure text descriptions and analysisAbstract %V 9 %2 Robocrystallographer, an open-source toolkit for analyzing crystal structures. This package combines new and existing open-source analysis tools to provide structural information, including the local coordination and polyhedral type, polyhedral connectivity, octahedral tilt angles, component-dimensionality, and molecule-within-crystal and fuzzy prototype identification. Using this information, robocrystallographer can generate text-based descriptions of crystal structures that resemble descriptions written by human crystallographers. The authors use robocrystallographer to investigate the dimensionalities of all compounds in the Materials Project database and highlight its potential in machine learning studies. %8 07/2019 %! MRC