%0 Journal Article %A William Yourey %A Yanbao Fu %A Ning Li %A Vincent S Battaglia %A Wei Tong %B Journal of The Electrochemical Society %D 2019 %G eng %N 8 %P A1432 - A1438 %R 10.1149/2.0591908jes %T Determining Accelerated Charging Procedure from Half Cell Characterization %V 166 %8 04/2019 %! J. Electrochem. Soc. %X

For implementation and consumer acceptance of electric vehicles, it is critical that the convenience of fueling internal combustion engines will not be lost for a transition to electric vehicles to be made. Although this complex issue involves many facets, ranging from recharging station infrastructure to technology development, one key component is "refueling" in a short period of time. Possible solutions would be battery replacement or recharge time comparable to that of filling a gas tank. This study provides an investigation for the development of an accelerated full-cell charge procedure through an investigation and characterization of half-cell performance. Negative and positive half-cell polarization curves at various rates were used to determine the maximum rate for each step of the lithiation process. This analysis was then applied to the LiNi1/3Mn1/3Co1/3O2 (NMC)/graphite full cells, charging cells to 80% state of charge in ~34 minutes and showing capacity fade over 75 cycles similar to cells cycled using conventional constant-current-constant-voltage (CCCV) charge procedure.