%0 Journal Article %A Joel Bremson %A Alan K Meier %A C.-Y Cynthia Lin %A Joan Ogden %B Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board %D 2013 %G eng %N 1 %P 61 - 69 %R 10.3141/2385-08 %T New Approach to Modeling Large-Scale Transitions to Alternative Fuels and Vehicles %U http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3141/2385-08http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.3141/2385-08http://trb.metapress.com/index/AH61863Q21282M27.pdfhttp://journals.sagepub.com/doi/pdf/10.3141/2385-08 %V 2385 %8 01/2013 %! Transportation Research Record %X

A large-scale transition to alternative fuels and vehicles is challenging. New modeling approaches are necessary to supplement existing mod-els, such as MARKAL. One promising approach is simulation gam-ing. Simulation gaming has been used extensively in many fields, most conspicuously in military applications, to provide insights into the dynamics of uncertain processes. A large-scale game to simulate tran-sitions to alternative fuels and vehicles was developed to explore the potential of this approach. Preliminary results of the game play suggest a possible counterintuitive dynamic: high energy prices can discourage the wide-scale adoption of alternative fuel vehicles because increased fuel costs reduce consumers’ ability to pay for more costly alternative vehicle technologies.