%0 Journal Article %A Yan Wang %A Yonghong Deng %A Qunting Qu %A Xueying Zheng %A Jingyu Zhang %A Gao Liu %A Vincent S Battaglia %A Honghe Zheng %B ACS Energy Letters %D 2017 %G eng %N 9 %P 2140 - 2148 %R 10.1021/acsenergylett.7b00622 %T Ultrahigh-Capacity Organic Anode with High-Rate Capability and Long Cycle Life for Lithium-Ion Batteries %V 2 %8 09/2017 %! ACS Energy Lett. %X

Organic rechargeable batteries have attracted extensive attention as a potential alternative for the current lithium-ion batteries. However, most of the reports are limited to organic macromolecules or modified small organic molecules which exhibit low reversible capacity, poor rate capability, and very limited cycle life. Herein, a small organic compound, maleic acid, is adopted as the anode for lithium ion batteries without any modification. It exhibits an ultrahigh reversible capacity of ca. 1500 mAhg-1 at 46.2 mAg-1 current density. Even at a high current density of 46.2 Ag-1 , the electrode still delivers a capacity of 570.8 mAhg-1 . When cycled at 2.31 Ag-1 , a capacity retention of 98.1% is obtained after 500 cycles. The excellent performance of the maleic acid organic anode is ascribed to its small volume effect and unique lithium-ion storage mechanisms. This new type of organic anode material may have a great opportunity for large-scale energy-storage systems with high-power properties.