%0 Journal Article %A Nils E. R Zimmermann %A Daniel C. Hannah Hannah %A Ziqin Rong %A Miao Liu %A Gerbrand Ceder %A Maciej Haranczyk %A Kristin A Persson %B The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters %D 2018 %G eng %N 3 %P 628 - 634 %R 10.1021/acs.jpclett.7b03199 %T Electrostatic Estimation of Intercalant Jump-Diffusion Barriers Using Finite-Size Ion Models %V 9 %8 01/2018 %! J. Phys. Chem. Lett. %X

We report on a scheme for estimating intercalant jump-diffusion barriers that are typically obtained from demanding density functional theory-nudged elastic band calculations. The key idea is to relax a chain of states in the field of the electrostatic potential that is averaged over a spherical volume using different finite-size ion models. For magnesium migrating in typical intercalation materials such as transition-metal oxides, we find that the optimal model is a relatively large shell. This data-driven result parallels typical assumptions made in models based on Onsager’s reaction field theory to quantitatively estimate electrostatic solvent effects. Because of its efficiency, our potential of electrostatics-finite ion size (PfEFIS) barrier estimation scheme will enable rapid identification of materials with good ionic mobility.