%0 Journal Article %A Ravi S Prasher %B Nano Letters %D 2006 %G eng %P 2135–2139 %R 10.1021/nl061450d %T Far field thermal radiation through nanoholes and apertures %V 6 %8 09/2006 %X

Thermal radiation through a nanohole or a nanoaperture is calculated in this paper. Results show that for aperture size ≪ dominant wavelength of thermally excited photons, heat flux deviates significantly from the well-known Planck blackbody expression of σT4, where σ is the Stefan−Boltzmann constant and T is the temperature. The heat flux through a nanohole is proportional to T8 and a4, where a is the radius of the hole. Finally it is shown that for aT < 106, where a is expressed in nm and T is expressed in K, radiative heat flux through the hole is proportional to T8 and for aT > 106 radiative heat flux is equal to the Planck blackbody heat flux; i.e., it is proportional to T4.