%0 Report %K demand response %K electric grid %K shed resources %A Peter Alstone %A Jennifer Potter %A Mary Ann Piette %A Peter Schwartz %A Michael A Berger %A Laurel N Dunn %A Sarah Josephine Smith %A Michael D Sohn %A Arian Aghajanzadeh %A Sofia Stensson %A Julia Szinai %D 2017 %G eng %T Demand Response Potential for California SubLAPs and Local Capacity Planning Areas: An Addendum to the 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study - Phase 2 %2 LBNL-2001114 %8 04/2017 %X

The 2025 California Demand Response Potential Study Phase 2 Report was released on March 1, 2017, and described a range of pathways for Demand Response (DR) to support a clean, stable, and cost-effective electric grid for California. One of the Report's key findings was that while there appears to be very low future value for untargeted DR Shed aimed at system-wide peak load conditions, there could be significant value for locally focused Shed resources. Although the dynamics of renewable capacity expansion have reduced the pressure to build new thermal generation in general, there are still transmission-constrained areas of the state where load growth needs to be managed with the addition of new local capacity, which could include DERs and/or DR.

This Addendum to the Phase 2 Report presents a breakdown of the expected future "Local Shed" DR potential at a finer geographic resolution than what is available in the original report, with results summarized by SubLAP and Local Capacity Area (LCA).