%0 Journal Article %A S. S Piril Ertem %A Benjamin R Caire %A Tsung-Han Tsai %A Di Zeng %A Melissa A Vandiver %A Ahmet Kusoglu %A Soenke Seifert %A Ryan C Hayward %A Adam Z Weber %A Andrew M Herring %A E. E Bryan Coughlin %A Matthew W Liberatore %B Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics %D 2017 %G eng %N 7 %P 612 - 622 %R 10.1002/polb.24310 %T Ion transport properties of mechanically stable symmetric ABCBA pentablock copolymers with quaternary ammonium functionalized midblock %V 55 %8 01/2017 %! J. Polym. Sci. Part B: Polym. Phys. %X

Anion exchange membranes (AEMs) are a promising class of materials for applications that require selective ion transport, such as fuel cells, water purification, and electrolysis devices. Studies of structure–morphology–property relationships of ion-exchange membranes revealed that block copolymers exhibit improved ion conductivity and mechanical properties due to their microphase-separated morphologies with well-defined ionic domains. While most studies focused on symmetric diblock or triblock copolymers, here, the first example of a midblock quaternized pentablock AEM is presented. A symmetric ABCBA pentablock copolymer was functionalized to obtain a midblock brominated polymer. Solution cast films were then quaternized to obtain AEMs with resulting ion exchange capacities (IEC) ranging from 0.4 to 0.9 mmol/g. Despite the relatively low IEC, the polymers were highly conductive (up to 60 mS/cm Brat 90 °C and 95%RH) with low water absorption (<25 wt %) and maintained adequate mechanical properties in both dry and hydrated conditions. X-ray scattering and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) revealed formation of cylindrical non-ionic domains in a connected ionic phase.