%0 Journal Article %K energy savings %K Solar heat gain %K Dynamic windows %K Electrochromic glazings %K NIR switching %K Visible light switching %A Nicholas DeForest %A Arman Shehabi %A Stephen E Selkowitz %A Delia J Milliron %B Applied Energy %D 2017 %P 95 - 109 %R 10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.02.007 %T A comparative energy analysis of three electrochromic glazing technologies in commercial and residential buildings %V 192 %8 04/2017 %! Applied Energy %X

This paper presents a simulation study of three dynamic electrochromic window glazings, including a novel glazing capable of independently modulating its optical properties in both the visible and near-infrared spectrums. This capability allows this so-called “dual-band” technology to actively manage the solar heat and visible light transmitted into a building’s interior, and creates the potential for heating, cooling, and lighting savings vis-à-vis competing window technologies. In this study EnergyPlus is used to simulate annual energy performance of the dual-band electrochromic (DBEC) glazing in three building types and 16 U.S. climate regions. The savings potential of DBEC windows are presented relative to a conventional electrochromic glazing; a visibly transparent, near-infrared switching electrochromic glazings; and several static alternatives, including ASHRAE 90-2010 standard compliant windows.

Results indicate that the DBEC glazings are capable of outperforming alternatives in a diverse set of locations and building types, including both heating and cooling-dominated regions. Relative to code-compliant static windows, the DBEC is capable of achieving annual primary energy savings between 6 and 30 kW h/ft2 of window area from reduced heating, cooling, and lighting demand. Relative to other advanced glazings, the savings are significantly lower, ranging from 0 to 1.2 kW h/ft2. Regional DBEC energy cost savings versus high performance static windows are presented to identify early potential market entries based on energy savings. Finally, the impacts of widespread deployment of high-efficiency LED lighting on DBEC energy savings potentials are also presented.