%0 Journal Article %K microstructure %K lithium battery %K asaxs %K in situ %A Artur Braun %A Soenke Seifert %A Pappannan Thiyagarajan %A Stephen P Cramer %A Elton J Cairns %B Electrochemistry Communications %D 2001 %N 3 %P 136-141 %R 10.1016/S1388-2481(01)00121-7 %T In situ anomalous small angle X-ray scattering and absorption on an operating rechargeable lithium ion battery cell %V 3 %8 03/2001 %! Electrochemistry Communications %X

We have employed anomalous small angle X-ray scattering (ASAXS) and X-ray absorption in situ on an operating lithium ion battery cell with LiMn2O4 as the positive electrode material. Manganese K-edge absorption spectra and scattering patterns were recorded at various stages of charge between 3.8 and 4.5 V. The shift of the manganese absorption K-edge was observed as a function of the charge of the electrode. Clear changes in the microstructure of the spinel at the 4 V plateau was observed even during the first charging cycle.