%0 Journal Article %A Kyoo-Seung Han %A Seung-Wan Song %A Hirofumi Fujita %A Masahiro Yoshimura %A Elton J Cairns %A Soon-Ho Chang %B Journal of the American Ceramic Society %D 2002 %G eng %P 2444-2448 %R 10.1111/j.1151-2916.2002.tb00478.x %T Direct Electroplating of Lithium Cobalt Oxide Film on Platinum Substrate in 100°–200°C Aqueous Solution %V 85 %8 10/2002 %X

Well crystallized, shape-formed, and electrochemically active lithium cobalt oxide (LiCoO2) films are electroplated directly on an electron-conducting substrate in an aqueous solution using a soft solution processing that is economical, consumes less energy consuming, and is environmentally friendly. Although LiCoO2 films are easily and economically prepared without any post-synthesis heat treatment, the estimated film properties show a possibility of using the deposited films as a cathode film for lithium rechargeable microbatteries. In addition, the soft solution processing reveals that an exact understanding of chemical reactions and the proper combination of the chemical reactions can create an advanced synthetic procedure.