%0 Journal Article %K Transformation %K Scattering %K Emission spectroscopy %K Polymer electrolytes %K Polyethylene oxide %K Ray photoelectron-spectroscopy %K Vibrational spectroscopy %K Molecular dynamics %K Nanocomposites %K Polyethers %A B Brena %A Guorong V Zhuang %A A Augustsson %A Gao Liu %A J Nordgren %A Jinghua Guo %A Philip N Ross %A Y Luo %B Journal of Physical Chemistry B %D 2005 %G eng %P 7907-7914 %R 10.1021/jp045685u %T Conformation dependence of electronic structures of poly(ethylene oxide) %V 109 %3

liu group

%8 04/2005 %X

The electronic structure of pure poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO) for four different polymeric chain conformations has been studied by Hartree-Fock (HF) and density functional theory (DFT) through the analysis of their valence band photoelectron spectroscopy (VB-PES), X-ray emission spectroscopy (XES), and resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS). It is shown that the valence band of PEO presents specific conformation dependence, which can be used as a fingerprint of the polymeric structures. The calculated spectra have been compared with experimental results for PEO powder.