%0 Journal Article %K energy use %K building performance simulation %K occupant behavior %K Behavior Modeling %K Building design and operation %A Tianzhen Hong %A Sarah C Taylor-Lange %A Simona D'Oca %A Da Yan %A Stefano P Corgnati %B Energy and Buildings %D 2016 %P 694-702 %R 10.1016/j.enbuild.2015.11.052 %T Advances in research and applications of energy-related occupant behavior in buildings %V 116 %2 LBNL-1004497 %8 03/2016 %X

Occupant behavior is one of the major factors influencing building energy consumption and contributing to uncertainty in building energy use prediction and simulation. Currently the understanding of occupant behavior is insufficient both in building design, operation and retrofit, leading to incorrect simplifications in modeling and analysis. This paper introduced the most recent advances and current obstacles in modeling occupant behavior and quantifying its impact on building energy use. The major themes include advancements in data collection techniques, analytical and modeling methods, and simulation applications which provide insights into behavior energy savings potential and impact. There has been growing research and applications in this field, but significant challenges and opportunities still lie ahead.