%0 Report %K FIDVR %K RTINA %K end-use device testing %K FIDVR-010 %A Richard J Bravo %A Steven Robles %D 2013 %I Southern California Edison %T Residential German Solar PV Inverter Test Report %8 12/2013 %X

This report will provide the dynamic performance of residential solar PV inverters designed to operate according to German grid code standards. The incentive for testing German grid code inverters is to evaluate the advanced features (voltage ride through, power curtailment, ramprate, watts/over-frequency, voltage support, and communications) not currently available for inverters that follow U.S. standards. The following steady-state, transient, and harmonic test results will be used to support SCE Field Engineering’s assessment of advanced inverter characteristics and uncover any potential negative impacts. As with the previous testing, the data will also be used to: