%0 Journal Article %K chen group %K kostecki group %A Ulrike Boesenberg %A Florian Meirer %A Yijin Liu %A Alpesh K Shukla %A Rossana Dell’Anna %A Tolek Tyliszczak %A Guoying Chen %A Joy C Andrews %A Thomas J Richardson %A Robert Kostecki %A Jordi Cabana %B Chemistry of Materials %D 2013 %G eng %N 9 %P 1664-1672 %R 10.1021/cm400106k %T Mesoscale phase distribution in single particles of LiFePO4 following lithium deintercalation %V 25 %8 03/2013 %! Mesoscale phase distribution in single particles of LiFePO4 following lithium deintercalation