%0 Journal Article %A Daniel S Greenhouse %A Ian L Bailey %A Peter A Howarth %A Sam M Berman %B Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics %D 1992 %N 3 %P 302-306 %T Spatial adaptation to text on a video display terminal %V 12 %8 07/1992 %! Ophthalmic Physiol Opt. %X

We employed vertical sinusoidal test gratings to search for spatial adaptation to lower-case text presented on a standard video display terminal. The parameters of the contrast sensitivity test were selected on the basis of waveform analysis of horizontal spatial luminance profiles of the text. We found that subjects exhibited a small (4-5 dB), but significant, frequency-specific spatial adaptation consistent with the frequency spectrum of the stimulus. The theoretical and practical significance of this finding is discussed.