%0 Report %K Televisions %K Audio-video bridging %K Builder-installed equipment %K Consumer electronics %K Energy efficiency specifications %K Energy Efficient Ethernet %K Hard-wired equipment %K Inter-device power control %K Market transformation for digital networks %K Network equipment %K Network presence proxying %K Set-top box %A Bruce Nordman %A Steven Lanzisera %A Richard E Brown %C Berkeley %D 2013 %I Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory %T Energy Efficient Digital Networks %2 LBNL-6254E %8 01/2013 %X

Digital networks are the foundation of the information services, and play an expanding and indispensable role in our lives, via the Internet, email, mobile phones, etc. However, these networks consume energy, both through the direct energy use of the network interfaces and equipment that comprise the network, and in the effect they have on the operating patterns of devices connected to the network. The purpose of this research was to investigate a variety of technology and policy issues related to the energy use caused by digital networks, and to further develop several energy-efficiency technologies targeted at networks. Improving network energy efficiency often requires addressing not just one device but the network as a whole. For this reason, much of the project research conducted focused on influencing the standard protocols and applications that define the network:

The project demonstrated that targeted investment in research and technology on networks by the energy efficiency community can result in considerable energy savings. The project findings can be applied to help California meet its energy goals in the coming decades, and also to reduce energy use both nationally and globally.