%0 Journal Article %A Jorge Jimenez %A Candis S Claiborn %A Timothy Larson %A Timothy Gould %A Thomas W Kirchstetter %A Lara A Gundel %B Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association %D 2007 %N 7 %P 868–873 %R 10.3155/1047-3289.57.7.868 %T Loading Effect Correction for Real-Time Aethalometer Measurements of Fresh Diesel Soot %V 57 %X

In this study, a correction was developed for the aethalometer to measure real-time black carbon (BC) concentrations in an environment dominated by fresh diesel soot. The relationship between the actual mass-specific absorption co-efficient for BC and the BC-dependent attenuation coefficients was determined from experiments conducted in a diesel exposure chamber that provided constant concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM; PM2.5; PM <2.5 μm aerodynamic diameter) from diesel exhaust. The aethalometer reported BC concentrations decreasing with time from 48.1 to 31.5 μg m-3 when exposed to constant PM2.5 concentrations of 55 ± 1 μg m-3 and bscat 95 ± 3Mm-1 from diesel exhaust. This apparent decrease in reported light-absorbing PM concentration was used to derive a correction K (ATN) for loading of strong light-absorbing particles onto or into the aethalometer filter tape, which was a function of attenuation of light at 880 nm by the embedded particles.