%0 Journal Article %A Gao Liu %A Dacheng Zhao %A Antoni P Tomsia %A Andrew M Minor %A Xiangyun Song %A Eduardo Saiz %B Journal of the American Chemical Society %D 2009 %G eng %N 29 %P 9937-9939 %R 10.1021/ja903817z %T Three-Dimensional Biomimetic Mineralization of Dense Hydrogel Templates %V 131 %X

An electric-current-assisted method was used to mineralize dense hydrogels and create hydroxyapatite/hydrogel composites with unique hierarchical structures. The microstructure of the final material can be controlled by the mineralization technique and the chemistry of the organic matrix. A hydroxyapatite/hydrogel composite was obtained with a large inorganic content 60% of the weight of the organics). After being heated to 1050 °C, the sintered inorganic phase has a very uniformly distributed porosity and its Brunauer−Emmett−Teller (BET) surface area is 0.68 m2/g.