%0 Conference Paper %A Konstantinos M Papamichael %B Thermal Performance of the Exterior Envelopes of Buildings V %C Clearwater Beach, FL %D 1994 %G eng %L LBL-36281 %T New Tools for the Analysis and Design of Building Envelopes %2 LBL-36281 %4

December 4-8, 1995


Life-Cycle Tools


Commercial Building Systems

%8 08/1994 %X

This paper describes the integrated development of PowerDOE, a new version of the DOE-2 building energy analysis program with enhanced calculation capabilities and a new graphical user interface, and the Building Design Advisor (BDA), a multimedia-based design tool that assists building designers with the concurrent consideration of multiple design solutions with respect to multiple design criteria early in schematic design. Each of these tools allows faster and more accurate analysis of the thermal and daylighting impacts of fenestration options.