%0 Conference Paper %A Michael J Siminovitch %A Francis M Rubinstein %A Richard E Whiteman %B IEEE-IAS Annual Conference %C Seattle, WA %D 1990 %G eng %L LBL-29294 %T Thermally Efficient Compact Fluorescent Fixtures %1

Lighting Systems Group

%2 LBL-29294 %8 10/1990 %X

This paper describes the development of thermally efficient compact fluorescent futures. Experimental data shows that decreases in fixture effiaency can approach 20% due to elevated temperature conditions inside the lamp compartment. These elevated temperatures increase the minimum lamp wall temperature of the compact fluorescent lamp and reduce the light output and efficacy of the lamp ballast system.

A series of prototype fixtures are described that employ convective venting and heat sinking to reduce elevated lamp temperatures. These cooling strategies can produce 20% increases in light output and efficacy.